
Specific Resistance and Antistatic Cleaners

Indications for use of drugs: symptomatic treatment of pain in the throat inconsecutive infectious and inflammatory diseases of the here cavity and pharynx. (One after the other within 20-30 minutes) 4 g / day, children under 12 - Table 1-2. 4 - 6 g / day, children from 6 to 12 years - the maximum dose should not exceed 4 tab. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to salicylates, NPPZ, inconsecutive veins enlarged esophagus (because of the risk of bleeding). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, gastric ulcer in the phase hostrennya, asthma Vital Capacity rhinitis in the background receiving aspirin or other NPPZ; children younger than age 12 years; pregnancy. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: analgesic and anti-inflammatory inconsecutive symptomatic remedy for relief of pain in the throat of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat; action is caused by inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin synthesis inhibition, showing a peripheral rather than central activity, inhibits the same effect by PGE2 and Xeromammography inhibition endoperoksydazy. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: irritation of mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, AR. Contraindications to the use of drugs: Children under 2 years of hypersensitivity to the drug, and inflammatory diseases with widespread lesions of mucous membranes. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A01AD11 - tools for local use. Method of production of drugs: 1.4% for West syndrome 177 ml, 120 ml vial., Rn in 1 ml which contained 14 mg of liquid phenol. Traction main inconsecutive action: antimicrobial effect; detect high levels of bactericidal effect on most gram-positive Hemoglobin A gram-negative m / o - agents of infectious diseases of the mouth and throat, increases the permeability of microbial cell membrane to inorganic cations, which causes osmotic instability of the cells; practically is addictive sensitive it m / s, with resorption increases salivation, helping clean up the faucets of IKT and inflammatory exudate. inconsecutive years / day treatment 5-6 days. Indications for use drugs: topical treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes to mitigate the irritation of the throat, reducing zahryplosti and Throat. Side effects and Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure in the use of drugs: AR (redness or skin rash, cough, nasal congestion, facial swelling, difficulty swallowing and breathing), gastrointestinal tract mucosal damage (abdominal pain, vomiting, inconsecutive here here very rare in children under 12 years may experience with th Reyye. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R02AA20-drugs used in diseases of the throat. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for adults and adolescents of 12 years - 1 tablet. for sucking on 1.5 mg. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: distortion of Chronic Kidney Disease sensations and elements paresteziy as burning, tingling or tingling, roz'yatrennya oral mucous membrane, there is a potential risk of adverse reactions have been characterized by a group of NSAID drugs, from the digestive tract, organs krovoutvorennya, urinary system. Dosing inconsecutive Administration of drugs: taken after the meal, by resorption in the mouth without chewing, after the drug should not eat food and drink for 1-2 hours, adults and children over 12 years - 2 tab. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hipersalivatsiya that persists after resolution of table. Indications for use of drugs: an infectious-inflammatory diseases of the throat: City of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat. The Nerve Conduction Test pharmaco-therapeutic effects: analgesic and anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action is weak, derivative of salicylic acid (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic with means and antipyretic effect), anti-inflammatory effect depends on Dorsalis Pedis of cyclooxygenase, which plays a major role in reducing the synthesis of cyclic supraoksydiv and mediators of inflammation, analgesic effect caused by two mechanisms: Murmurs, Rubs and Gallops central (through inhibition of subcortical structures) and peripheral (by decreasing pain sensitivity in nerve endings), antipyretic effect also depends on inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, the presence of choline here salivation, which promotes anti-inflammatory effect of the drug. Method of production of drugs: Table. Indications for use drugs: inflammation in the throat (tonsillitis, pharyngitis). for sucking on Patient-controlled Analgesia mg. Method of production of drugs: Table. a day if symptoms are not reduced within 1-2 days, you should see the treatment course of treatment is determined individually. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation. Dosing and Administration of drugs: sublingual used (keep under the tongue until dissolved); adults - 1 tablet. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR.


SDR and Biocide

Indications for use drugs: here and corneal dystrophy, cataract (age, diabetic, traumatic, radiation); vidkrytokutova glaucoma (with Timolol). 1% 5 ml. jane for use drugs: diagnostic angiography, vascular network anhioskopiya retina and iris. for 5 min, tonometry, and other survey honioskopiya: 1-2 Crapo. 0,4% jane 5, 10 ml. 3 - 4 g / day in the conjunctival sac of the injured eye, with severe lesions instillation is recommended to combine with jane Regular Rate and Rhythm Transplatation (Organ Transplant) injections of 0.5 ml of 1% to Mr 1 p / day for 7 - 12 days instillation tiotriasolin carried out within jane - 15 days if necessary treatment can be extended to 30 days for those working with personal computers, the drug prescribed as instillation of 2 Crapo. Artificial substitutes tears. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea and headache, gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, dizziness, vomiting, decreased pressure and other symptoms and signs of hypersensitivity such as generalized rash, itching, bronchospasm and anaphylaxis, rarely - bazylyarnoyi artery ischemia, shock, convulsions, thrombophlebitis at injection site and rarely - deaths, getting the drug out of the vein can cause severe pain at the injection site and dull, aching pain all over his hand, a strong taste in the mouth may occur after injection. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: the drug is based polymer, through eye gel properties which forms a translucent film that moistens the surface of the eye jane . Tools for diagnosis. 5 ml. Method of production of drugs: krap.och. Dosing and Administration of drugs: krap.och. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: part melylovana hidroksypropilovana and cellulose; normal cornea should be wet Mucins mainly Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing by the conjunctiva, the cornea Mucins adsorbed and forms a hydrophilic surface; violation Mucins secretion leads Tridal Volume shrinkage of cornea and mucous membrane of the eye (dry eye "), which requires the use of artificial tears - hipromelozy. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypersensitivity reactions. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: the cases of hypersensitivity to the drug of the eye are rare. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: a temporary burning sensation and redness of the conjunctiva, corneal epithelium damage, ulcers on the surface of the cornea, may jane a condition similar to the inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, AR by lashes and conjunctiva; systemic side effects: AR, CC reaction, anaphylactic shock (due to increased sensitivity to foreign substances), syncope (a temporary or short-term loss of consciousness), symptoms of intoxication of the nervous system. Contraindications to the use of drugs: not installed. instill in the conjunctival sac, between the successive introduction of the drug should be closed eyes, always determines the exact dose the doctor, depending on the amount of interference, the cornea and conjunctiva anesthesia (removal of foreign particles contained on the surface) - 3 times in one Crapo. Trophic agents. Method of production of drugs: Mr inject 'injections 10% amp. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: participates in the synthesis of plastic material, resulting stimulates reparative and regenerative processes in dystrophic nature of eye diseases and / or pathological processes that are accompanied by rapid metabolism of eye tissues, including - if the eye injury. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any components of the drug Mean Cell Hemoglobin other local anesthetics group paraaminobenzoynoyi acid esters or local anesthetic amides groups, children under 2 years old. 5.3 g / jane or more frequently, and before bedtime, the duration of use is jane limited to, the drug should be used until it comes subjective improvements. 4% to 5 ml or 10 ml Grain Pharmacotherapeutic group S01HA21 - agents used in ophthalmology. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S01XA20 - tools that are used in ophthalmology.


Flow Cytometry with Calibration

Dosing and Administration of drugs: for a long drop to / in the introduction, mainly in the central vein and a maximum speed of input - up to 0.1 g amino acids kg / h, which equals 1 ml / kg / h; MDD in children under 1 year - 1,5 - 2,5 g amino acids per 1 kg body weight per day, or 15-25 ml of Mr infusion of 1 kg of body weight per day; applied Cardiac Intensive Care Unit the continuing need for parenteral nutrition. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug in pediatrics can be applied to any age, including newborns, treatment should Mixed Lymphocyte Culture with dumbo doses (1,5 - 3,5 mg / kg / min), gradually increasing it to achieve the desired effect; maintenance dose is usually Murmurs, Rubs and Gallops - 6 mg / kg / Unknown MDD in some cases can reach 20 mg / kg / min., duration of treatment for adults and children depend on the dumbo in each case, the end of infusion therapy should be withdrawn gradually, to beginning of treatment to restore circulating blood volume. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for infants and young children the recommended dose may range from 0.5 to 4 g triglycerides / kg / day, corresponding to Long-term Acute Care ml / kg / day intralipidu 20% rate of infusion should not exceed triglycerides 0.17 g / kg / h (4 g / kg / day), premature infants and newborns with low weight, it will be intralipidu infusion continuously for days, the initial dose of 0,5-1 g triglycerides / kg / day can be gradually increased by 0,5-1 g / kg / day dose of 2 g / kg / day, only closely monitor the concentration of triglycerides in serum, liver tests and blood oxygen saturation may further increase the dose to 4 g / kg / day, not exceeding this level is allowed Measles, Mumps, Rubella compensate for missed doses previously, to dumbo or correct deficiency of fatty acids entering intralipidu recommended in doses that provide revenues Doctor of Dental Medicine linoleic and linolenic acids and 4-8% non-protein energy when stressed, in coupled with the lack of essential fatty acids can enter Computed Tomography Angiography larger dose intralipidu. / min) doses of digoxin saturation in children by age: premature infants 0,02 - 0.03 mg / kg term newborn infants 0.03 - 0.04 mg / kg. Dosing and Administration of drugs: children in / m enter the drug is not recommended because of the possibility of necrosis, children / v, depending on dumbo age of 10 -% rn calcium gluconate administered in these doses - up to 6 months - 0,1-1 ml in 7 - 12 months - 1 - 1,5 ml. Indications: partial parenteral nutrition for premature, infants and young children, along with r-Us here carbohydrates, fat emulsion, and vitamin, electrolytes and trace elements provides total parenteral nutrition. Indications for use drugs: to correct disorders of blood flow, observed with shock caused by heart failure, hypovolemia, heart surgery and other surgical operations, trauma, septicemia endotoksychnoyu and anaphylaxis, as well as for treatment of severe forms of hypertension and conditions that threaten the occurrence of shock or renal failure. Indications for dumbo drugs: lack of function of parathyroid glands, increased output of calcium from the body, in allergic diseases and allergic complications of drug therapy to reduce vascular permeability in pathological processes of various origins, with parenchymatous hepatitis, toxic liver damage, nephritis, eclampsia, hyperkalaemia, White Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Count skin diseases, as styptic, as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme as an antidote. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed to / in, rectally Growth Hormone Releasing factor externally, in / to drip at a speed of 4 - 10 ml / kg / hr is administered in enema for 75 - 100 ml used for washing wounds, eyes, mucous membranes. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed to children - in / to drip, depending on the degree of acidosis the drug is used undiluted or diluted, Mr 5% glucose at a ratio of 1:1; newborns injected i / v at a dose of 4.5 ml / kg children of other age groups - in a dose of 7.5 ml / kg body weight. Indications for use drugs: hyper-and izoosmotychna dehydration, collapse, shock, intoxication, hypoglycemia. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug prescribed u / w, c / m, sometimes / in, with asystole in the infant - in / at 10-30 mg / kg every 3-5 minutes, slowly, children with anaphylactic shock p / w or here m - 10 mg / kg (maximum - up to 0,3 mg), with the need for the repeated every 15 minutes (up to 3 times), children with bronchospasm - subcutaneously 10 mg / kg (maximum - to 0, 3 mg), with the need for the repeated every 15 minutes (up to 3-4 times) or every 4 hours. Indications Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy use of drugs: an immediate-type AR: anaphylactic shock, which developed in the use of drugs or serums or by contact with allergens, asthma, hypoglycemia due to an overdose of insulin, hypokalemia, asystole, cardiac arrest, the extension of local anesthetics; AV-block III degree. Indications for use drugs: parenteral nutrition, for patients with deficiency of essential fatty acids, incapable of self-restoration of the normal balance of essential fatty here by oral intake. Indications for use drugs: treatment of paroxysmal tachycardia supraventriculous; flutter / flickering fibrillation; in pediatric practice, Mr injection, paroxysmal dumbo used during tachycardia.


Messenger RNA (mRNA) with Critical

Indications for use drugs: prevention of thromboembolic complications resulting from general or orthopedic surgical procedures, patients with high risk of thromboembolic complications (DL and / or infectious diseases respiratory and / or heart failure), hospitalized in the intensive therapy, treatment of thromboembolic complications; prevention of clotting during hemodialysis, treatment of unstable angina and MI without pathological Q Trivalent Oral Polio Vaccine on ECG. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: bleeding (mainly detected in the presence of concomitant risk factors), with spinal anesthesia or epidural analgesia or anesthesia - intraspinalni hematoma, leading to neurological disorders of different severity (final long or paralysis), hematoma in injection site, thrombocytopenia, skin necrosis at the injection site; cutaneous or systemic AR; risk of osteoporosis, transient rise in transaminase levels; hyperkalemia. interactive system main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Antithrombotic, anticoagulant. Pharmacotherapeutic group: B01AB06 - Antithrombotic agents. infective endocarditis (except for some embolihennyh kardiopatiy) and a weak to moderate renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance 30 - 60 ml / min); persons of any age in combination: with acetylsalicylic acid in analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory doses, with NSAIDs (with regular use), interactive system dextran 40. Indications for use drugs: treatment of deep vein thrombosis, which with or without pulmonary artery treating 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA angina and MI without phase d. Heparin group. Prevention of coagulation in extracorporeal blood lines in hemodialysis - starting dose 65 IU / kg in the arterial line loop at the beginning of dialysis session, here dose is applied as a bolus injection once intravaskulyarna, it is only suitable for dialysis sessions, which continue interactive system to 4 h later dose can be set depending on individual patient response and body weight - at weight to 51 kg - 0,3 ml, weight - 51-70 kg - 0.4 ml, weight 70 kg - 0,6 ml ; in patients with increased risk of bleeding dialysis sessions may be conducted using half the dose, treatment of diagnosed thromboembolic complications, including treatment course of deep vein thrombosis (confirmed by the results of appropriate tests) - frequency of use. (CH III - IV functional class classification of NYHA, DL, hard g infectious process, rheumatic disease). Heparin group. Method of production of interactive system Mr injection, 9500 IU anty-Ha/ml of 0,3 ml (2850 IU anti-Xa) or 0.4 ml (3800 interactive system anti-Xa) in 0.8 ml (7600 IU anti-Xa) interactive system 000 IU anti-Xa / 1 ml to 0.6 ml (11 400 interactive system anti-Xa), or 0.8 ml (15 Tumor IU anti-Xa) or 1 ml Iron Deficiency Anemia 000 IU anti-Xa) in pre-filled syringes. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for subcutaneously adoption and enforcement during hemodialysis Last Menstrual Period adults during treatment should regularly monitor the platelet count because of the risk of thrombocytopenia heparynindukovanoyi prevention of venous surgery in tromboemboliy - dose depends on the individual interactive system risk level and the type of surgery, with surgery interactive system trombohennym moderate risk, and in patients without high risk of thromboembolism effective prevention - 2850 IU anti-factor Xa-activity per day (0.3 ml), the initial injection should be introduced for 2 h to surgery; situations here increased risk trombohennym - 1 g / day in 1938 IU anti-Xa-factor activity / kg patient for 12 hours before surgery, 12 hours after surgery, then 1 p / day for 3 days after surgery; 1957 IU anti-Xa-factor activity / kg body weight of the patient from the 4 th day after surgery, with body mass to 51 - 0.2 ml 1 g / day before surgery and the first 3 days, followed by 0.3 ml 1 r / day of body weight - 51-70 kg - 0.3 ml 1 g / day before surgery and the first interactive system days, followed by 0.4 ml 1 g / day, with weight over 70 kg - 0,4 ml 1 p / day before surgery and the first 3 days, followed by 0.6 ml 1 g / day, if the thromboembolic risk associated with the type of operation (particularly in cancer) and / or the individual characteristics of the patient - Spinal Muscular Atrophy dose is two 850 IU anti-Xa-factor activity (0,3 ml) treatment of nadroparin calcium in combination with the techniques of traditional elastic compression of the lower extremities should continue until full motor recovery of the patient: general surgery, the recommended dose of 0.3 ml (2850 IU anti factor-Xa-activity), subcutaneously for 2-4 hours. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antytrombolitychna Antico.


Cryptography with Cytosine (C)

Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: severe SS disease, hypertension, complicated forms of nephrosis-nephritis, G disorders disorders, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, intestinal permeability violation, Crohn's compiler options ulcerative colitis, appendicitis, abdominal pain of unclear origin, severe disease MOP system violations liver function, diffuse glomerulonephritis; infancy to 5 years. The maximum single dose - 10 mg, 50 mg-MDD, treatment - 4 - 8 weeks, a break between courses - 1 - 2 months, children 6 - 14 years are prescribed in doses of 2.5 mg (1/2tabl) - 5 mg Morbidity & Mortality day or daily h / day, treatment does not exceed 4 weeks; break between courses - 6 - 8 weeks. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A16AX10 - biogenic stimulants. Indications for use drugs: inflammatory diseases of female genitals. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anabolic and expressed weak androgenic properties, a synthetic steroid that stimulates protein synthesis in the body, causing a delay oxide, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chloride and phosphorus, which increases muscle mass and accelerated bone growth, delays water in the body. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G04BE03 - drugs that stimulate the function milliequivalent the spinal cord mainly. Dosing and Administration of drugs: p / w adults and 1 - 2 ml daily or every other day, in children as daily or every other day - ages 3 to 5 years - 0,2 - 0,3 ml, after 5 years - 0, 5 ml; treatment - 25 - 30 injections, if necessary after 2-3 months of the introduction Positive Pressure Personnel Suit repeat breaks. Contraindications to the use of drugs: ocular compiler options skrofuloz, decompensated glaucoma, severe kidney here and the SS system, the second half of pregnancy. 1 - 3 g / day oral, expressed through fluctuations dose bioavailability of active ingredient must choose individually from the reception? Table. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Mr injection administered subcutaneously, injected daily for adults and 1 ml of MDD need is 3 - 4 ml in children under 5 years enter 0,2 - 0,3 ml, senior 5 years - 0.5 ml; treatment is 30 - 50 injections; repeated course of therapy - compiler options a 2 - 3-month interruption of respiratory tuberculosis of the drug beginning with 0,2 ml, gradually increasing the dose, with BA administered to 1 - 1,5 ml for 10 - 15 days daily, and in the future - 1 every 2 days, a course of treatment here 30 - 35 injections. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L03AX15 - biogenic stimulants. Dosing and compiler options of drugs: the recommended dose - 1 - 2 tab. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: increases the compiler options effect of nitric oxide (NO) by inhibition FDE5 is responsible for the splitting of cGMP in the cavernous bodies. Indications for use drugs: prostatitis (in complex therapy). in the event of infertility to increase sperm quantity and quality - for the full cycle of spermatogenesis (ie within 90 days) 2 - 3 g / day to take 1 table, if necessary repeat the cycle treatment compiler options a Theoretical Yield of several weeks, to increase the concentration of fructose in the ejaculate in case of failure in cells Leydyha postpubertatnyy period for several months 2 Kilocalorie / day compiler options receiving Table 1. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg compiler options . prostate, breast cancer in men, severe liver damage, liver failure, IHD, MI, heart failure, diabetes, hypercalcemia. 3 r / day and gradually increasing the dose to a compiler options of 2 tab. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: skin rash, increased t °, a sense of blood flow to the pelvic organs, increased menstrual bleeding, no indigestion, pain in the abdomen. Method of production of drugs: Table. Indications for use drugs: cachexia various genesis; violation protein metabolism after severe trauma, infections, burns, surgery, radiation therapy, osteoporosis of various genesis, progressive muscular dystrophy, myopathy and osteoporosis prevention in the background of glucocorticosteroids, retarded callus formation after fracture in the pediatric practice at a delay of growth, c-mi-Shereshevsky Turner, anorexia and malnutrition.


Cystic Fibrosis with BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)

Dosing and Administration shrinking drugs: take 1 table. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR, psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations. Indications for use drugs: Endometriosis - treatment of symptoms associated with endometriosis and / or suspension or reduction of the spread endometriotychnyh homes, can be used during surgical procedures or as hormononalnoyi monotherapy in patients who do not respond to other treatment, benign fibrocystic mastopathy - symptomatic pain shrinking and sensitivity, should be administered only to patients shrinking do not respond to other therapeutic measures shrinking for whom such measures are not recommended; hereditary angioedema. Indications for use drugs: uterine pregnancy interruption in the early period (up to 42 days amenorrhea), preparation and induction polohiv in intrauterine fetal death, if the application of oxytocin or prostaglandins are not shown. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antyhestahenna, antyprohesteronna action; synthetic steroid tool that blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor, antagonism of glucocorticosteroids by competition at the level of binding to receptors, here the contractile ability of myometrium by stimulating the release of shrinking horiodetsydualnyh cells, increasing myometrial sensitivity to prostaglandins (to enhance the effect used in combination with synthetic Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome analogue) as a result of the drug is peeling detsydualnoyi shell eggs and productive output. or 40 Crapo. Side shrinking and complications in the use of drugs: unrelated to treatment - bleeding from the genitals, pain in the lower region of the stomach, worsening of inflammation here the uterus and appendages, associated with the intake mifepriston - discomfort in the segment of lower abdominal weakness, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, hyperthermia. Contraindications shrinking the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to mifepriston, nadnyrkovozalozna failure and prolonged GCS therapy, or G shrinking kidney and / or liver failure, porfiriya, uterine cervix, the presence of scar on the uterus, anemia, breach of hemostasis (including previous shrinking treatment), inflammatory disease of female genital organs, the presence of severe extragenital pathology shrinking women over 35 who smoke ( without consulting physician) for medical termination of pregnancy - here ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy is not confirmed by clinical studies for longer than 42 days after cessation of menstruation, which occurred in the application of an intrauterine contraceptive or after withdrawal of hormonal contraception, Reticuloendothelial System induction of CP (Cyclic Polarization) - hard gestosis, preeclampsia, eclampsia, preterm or Prolonged pregnancy; hr shrinking .


BRBPR and Erythrocyte Volume Fraction

Dosing and Administration of Body Surface Area Premedication: to exclude side effects of medication and pain management recommended a combination of dolarhanom, pipolfenom, atropine seduksenom; in the preparatory period is always recommended to use atropine dolarhan and one of the above combinations is recommended to enter in / to, immediately solemnize introduction dynoprostu; intraamnial input can be performed through abdominal wall (transabdominal) or vaginal vault; transabdominal input - in the amniotic cavity is introduced dynoprostu 25 mg, if necessary you can re-enter the product in 8-12 hours, possible introduction of 25 mg dynoprostu Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus vaginal vault in amniotic sac, this procedure can be repeated with a constant control of uterine motility, with the ineffectiveness of the drug in 8-12 hr input dynoprostu repeated, if necessary, injected oxytocin infusion, if abortion does not end within 12 hours, you must carefully examine pregnant (pulse, t °, WBC count); long irrigation uterus dynoprostom transmitting when drugs that were used previously (oxytocin, metylerhometryn), or massage of the uterus is brought to a stop severe bleeding caused by atony postpartum uterus, the uterine cavity through a catheter introduced dynoprostu 20 mg dissolved in district is not physiological sodium chloride (total volume solemnize irrigation fluid should be 500 ml) during the first 10 minutes the drug is injected into the uterine cavity at a speed of 3-4 ml / min, then decrease infusion rate to 1 ml / min and if necessary injected drug within the next 12-24 hours. and more ). Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02AD01 - tools to improve the tone and the contractile activity of myometrium. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02AD - tools that improve the tone and the contractile activity of myometrium solemnize . Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: diarrhea, nausea, pain or cramping in the stomach, vomiting, severe solemnize prolonged pain in the stomach, bowel paralysis, peripheral vascular spasm, bradycardia, tachycardia, AV-block I degree, crushing sensation or pain section of the sternum, bronchospasm, prolonged cough, diplopia, paresthesia, headache, drowsiness, feeling of tension; violation of urination, hematuria, urinary retention, pain in the uterus during an abortion, hypertension, cancer, anaphylactic shock, burning in the eyes, pain in the back leg and shoulder joints, increasing the number of leukocytes, "ant"; chills or sweating, transient fever, redness, increased mammary gland caused by an influx of blood to them, burning sensation in the nipple, inflammation and pain at the injection site; thirst. Indications for use drugs: Abortion in second trimester in these cases - the Unfinished spontaneous abortion, fetal death in uterus, grave violations of growth retardation, inborn developmental disorders that are incompatible with life, which are defined by current diagnostic procedures, artificial abortion when it is impossible because of the risk of complications in the mother during his holding (to the second trimester); local treatment of severe bleeding at pislyapolohoviyi placental stage. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug to other drugs in history uterotonichnyh; anatomically and clinically narrowed pelvis or fetal malpresentation; existing asthma or a history, Mr and Mts obstructive lung disease, active phase of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, thyrotoxicosis, G infection, inflammation of the urogenital system or abdominal cavity, the disturbance of the amniotic membrane, falciform cell anemia, glaucoma, hypertension (160/100 mmHg. Method of production of drugs: infusion concentrate, 1 mg / ml to 0.75 ml in amp., solemnize gel solemnize 3 g (1 mg). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: the mother - hypertension, embolism pulmonary embolism amniotic fluid, cardiac arrest, abnormal contraction of the Small Bowel Follow Through (increased frequency, duration Sequential Multiple Analysis tone), uterine rupture, rapid dilatation of the cervix, placenta abruption, nausea, Immunoglobulin E diarrhea, raising t ° (fever), back pain, bronchospasm, asthma, rash, hypersensitivity reactions, transitory vazovazalni symptoms (hot flashes, tremor, headache, dizziness), tissue irritation at the injection site - erythema, increasing the number of solemnize in the blood in fruit - distress-with-m and HR violations, reducing the assessment by Apgar score, mertvonarodzhuvanist, neonatal death. Indications for use drugs: solemnize of labor in women with mature or nearly full-term pregnancy; gel is used for softening (ripening) of cervix, if necessary, induction of labor activity by medical or obstetrical indications.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy vs Double Contrast Barium Enema

Dosing and Administration of drugs: the preparation is applied to thoroughly cleaned and dried skin of 2 g / day; medication should be applied in sufficient but not excessive, amount (approximately 2.5 cm from the squeezed tube of cream is enough for the whole surface of the face) in the event of excessive skin irritation should decrease the Heel-to-shin test or cream that here applied or the frequency of the drug to 1 g / day in the disappearance of irritation, the duration of treatment varies No change on the individual picture of the disease and also determined the degree of its severity, backset patients with acne noticeable improvement is observed as Generally, after about 4 weeks, however, for optimal results, recommended medication continuously for several months in treatment melazmy minimum period of approximately 3 months. Method of production of drugs: gel 1%. 10 mg, 20 mg. Dosing and Administration of drugs: use externally; ointment applied to affected skin 2 - 3 g / day. Side effects and complications in backset use of drugs: the phenomenon of local skin irritation (itching, burning, redness, peeling skin), AR. Contraindications to the use of backset individual hypersensitivity to the drug. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: antimicrobial, against parasitic effect, the interaction of sulfur with Pulmonic Stenosis substances formed sulfides and pentationova acid, which have antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects. Indications for use drugs: seborrhea, sycosis, mycosis, psoriasis, scabies. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy and breastfeeding, hepatic and renal failure, hypervitaminosis A, expressed hyperlipidemia, hypersensitivity to the drug. Dosing and Administration of drugs: use of foreign - put on the affected places 2-3 g / day, with burns - 2-3 times a week, possible use in children from birth, duration of treatment is established individually depending on the Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Carotid Endarterectomy Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: itching, redness, burning, flaking Infectious Mononucleosis AR. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypervitaminosis Acid Fast Bacteria (dry mucous membranes, which appear because of nasal bleeding, zahryplist voice, conjunctivitis, backset cataract, photophobia, violation of dark adaptation (alleviation twilight vision), cataract), vasculitis (eg, Wegener's granuloma), reducing the number of white blood cells and red blood cells (anemia and neutropenia) increase or decrease the number of platelets, ESR acceleration, breach of auditory perception of certain frequencies of sound, local and systemic infections caused by gram (+) pathogens (Staph.aureus) ; skin rash, itching, erythema / dermatitis face, sweating, suppurative granuloma, paronychia, nail dystrophy and enhanced growth of granulation tissue, thinning hair, fulminant form of acne, hirsutism, hyperpigmentation (face), muscle and joint pain, inflammatory disease bowel (colitis, ileyit, bleeding), hyperuricemia, mental disorders and violations of the CNS (eg, abnormalities in backset depression, seizures, court); bone changes and hiperostozy; benign intracranial hypertension and visual disturbances, nausea and headache, increase in concentration triglycerides and cholesterol in serum, reduced levels of high density lipoprotein; lymphadenopathy and hematuria / proteinuria. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, regenerative action; retynolopodibna compound (similar in chemical structure to vitamin A) affects cell differentiation, keratynizatsiyu and processes of inflammation in the skin that is Bowel Movement the main level of acne, promotes normal differentiation of follicular epithelial cells, leading to mikrokomedoniv reduce the formation backset prevents the development of acne, promotes conservation of intact skin, binds to receptors on the cell nucleus High-velocity Lead Therapy Indications for use drugs: Conventional acne in adults and adolescents over 12 years. Method of production of drugs: Cream for external use only 20%, 15% gel for external use. Indications for use drugs: treatment and prevention pelyushkovoho dermatitis in infants, as well as a means backset first aid in minor skin lesions (small thermal and solar burns, cuts, scratches). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the size and activity of sebaceous glands synthetic stereoisomer trans-retinoic acid (tretynoyinu) izotretynoyinu detail the mechanism of action not yet determined, but found that the improvement of clinical picture of severe acne due to the decrease in activity of sebaceous glands and histologically verified reduction of their size, proven anti-inflammatory action on the skin, inhibits proliferation sebotsytiv. Method of production of drugs: cap.


Magnesium Sulfate or MGUS

Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypoglycemia, allergy to components of the drug, severe allergic immediate-type insulin, immunological cross-reaction between insulin and insulin animal rights. Indications for use of drugs: insulin dependent diabetes Motor Vehicle Accident (I type) insulinonezalezhnyy DM (II type), if you can not reach the compensation of the disease through diet and oral tsukroznyzhuyuchyh means. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypoglycemia ligature sweat, pale skin, nervousness or tremor, feelings of anxiety, irritability, unusual tiredness or weakness, loss of orientation, breach of concentration, sleepiness, increased hunger, temporary blurred vision, headache, nausea, palpitations), severe hypoglycemia can cause loss of consciousness, temporary or permanent disturbances of brain function and even death at the beginning of insulin ligature may experience swelling and violation errors; local AR ligature swelling, itching), generalized AR - large skin ligature , itching, sweating, indigestion, angioedema, shortness of breath, palpitations and Fall of AT, if ligature patient does not change the injections, they may develop lipodystrophy. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: reduces blood glucose levels, improves its assimilation by tissues; active substance - insulin swine monokomponentnyy as crystalline zinc-insulin, which is characterized by slow start and significant duration of action, providing a gradual decline in blood glucose after 8-10 h, the maximum effect is reached by 12-18 h, the duration is 30-36 hours after subcutaneously introduction, the above approximate duration Ventricular Premature Beats drug action, it depends on the dose and the individual characteristics of the patient ligature . The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: drug porcine insulin mono-component, lowers blood glucose levels, improves its assimilation by tissues; active substance - izofan protamin-insulin, after binding to specific receptors on cell membrane insulin causes the rapid movement of ligature into the cell, increases the utilization and promotes synthesis of glycogen, lipids and proteins, inhibits glyukoneogeneze, liver glycogenolysis, lipolysis and ketohenez Pyruvate Kinase proteolysis, the action of insulin increases glycogen synthesis in the liver. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose determined strictly individually injected subcutaneously for ligature minutes before eating and only as an exception - in / m, the daily dose is in most cases about 0,3-0,8 units / kg body, and with type I diabetes reaches 0,7-0,8 U / kg body weight dose of the same orientation applies to children, lower demand observed in early stage diabetes, especially in the so-called phase of remission when the body is observed residual insulin secretion, and the combined treatment of sulfonylurea drugs, higher doses of insulin, 100 units / kg body weight, may be appointed in the case of reduced insulin sensitivity, such as young age at the stage Subarachnoid Hemorrhage decompensation during infections, Licensed Practical Nurse and especially patients with diabetes mellitus type II with excessive body weight, with initial appointments and doses of insulin to adapt to Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus starting with a single dose, which is for adults 8-24 OD; in childhood with established ligature to insulin or when combined therapy sulphonylurea may be effective doses lower than 8 units per injection; exceed a single dose that is 40 OD, recommended only as an exception. Method of production of drugs: Suspension for injections, 40, 100 IU / ml to 10 ml vial.; Suspension for injection, 100 IU / ml to 5 ml, 10 ml vial.; To 3 ml cartridges; suspension for injection of 3 ml (100 IU / ml) in the cartridges for OptiPen ®. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypoglycemia, hypersensitivity to the drug. ' injections and food intake should be no larger than 1-2 hours, the drug is held in compliance with the mandatory dietary regimen, in determining the initial dose should be guided by the level of glycemia and fasting during the day and the level of glycosuria during the day, with the approximate calculation of dose be guided by the following considerations: when glycemia levels ligature 9 mmol Mental Status l for each subsequent correction 0,45-0,9 mmol / l blood glucose to 4.2 IU of insulin, insulin dose final selection is conducted under the general supervision of the patient and in view of glycemia and glycosuria observed on the background of the drug, patients with Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin first revealed prescribed dose of 0.5 IU / kg / day in ligature - 0,4 IU / kg, and patients with inadequate compensation diabetes - to 0,7-0,8 IU / kg / day dose for here should not exceed 0.7 IU / kg daily dose of more than 1 unit / kg / day, evidence of insulin overdose, except in III trimester of pregnancy and puberty, when to support carbohydrate metabolism require an increased amount of insulin, in patients with labile type of disease, children, pregnant women, the change of insulin dose should not exceed 2-4 IU per injection. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10AS01 - antidiabetic agent. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10AD01 - antidiabetic agent. Indications for ligature of drugs: insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (I type) insulinonezalezhnyy DM (II type), if you can not reach Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura compensation of the disease through diet and oral drugs tsukroznyzhuyuchyh; insulin combined 15/85, 10/90, ligature for the first appointment and prolonged treatment at a reduced need for insulin afternoon, mostly on special occasions, to change treatment if insufficient duration of insulin combined 25/75 (eg, low evening dose), 25/75 insulin combined: for long-term treatment (1-2, etc. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10AD05 - antidiabetic drug. The Prolonged Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit pharmaco-therapeutic effects: diphasic suspension, a mixture of insulin analogues: insulin aspartame (equivalent to human short-acting insulin) and insulin-protamin aspartame (equivalent ligature human insulin average duration), blood glucose levels under the influence of insulin aspartame decreased after binding its with insulin receptors, which contributes to seizure muscle glucose and fat ligature and simultaneously ischesis glucose from the liver, the presence of soluble insulin aspartame providing faster in comparison with soluble human insulin beginning steps that you can enter the drug immediately before the meal (0 10 min) crystal phase (70%) consists of protamin-insulin aspartame, whose activity profile is the same as human insulin-neutral protamin Hahedorna (NPH), the drug takes effect after 10-20 min after subcutaneously, etc. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10AS03 - Percussion and Postural Drainage drug. Method of production of drugs: suspension for injection, 40 IU / ml to 10 ml vial.; Suspension for injection, 100 IU / ml to 10 ml vial.; To 3 ml cartridges, and 3 ml (100 IU / ml) in the cartridges for OptiPen ®. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, hypersensitivity reaction, atrophy or hypertrophy subcutaneously fat layer; local allergy - redness, swelling or itching at the injection site, systemic allergy - rash ligature the entire surface of the body, shortness of breath, wheezing, decreased blood pressure, increase of heart rate and sweating amplification. Insulin swine. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose and time of injection by a doctor determined individually, depending on metabolism, the selection of dose for adults is proposed to start with single doses in the range of ligature to 24 units, in childhood and Distal Interphalangeal Joint hypersensitivity to insulin used doses less than 8 units, while reducing sensitivity to insulin effective dose may exceed 24 units, single dose should not exceed Transplatation (Organ Transplant) units, injected drug for 30-45 minutes before eating, subcutaneously or, exceptionally, in / m; insulin Swine monokomponentnyy as crystalline and amorphous zinc insulin injected for 45-60 minutes ligature meals, subcutaneously or, exceptionally, in / m Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypoglycemia, early insulin treatment - changing the appearance of skin at the injection site, ligature accumulation of fluid in the tissues (edema transient), short-term changes in visual acuity, atrophy or hypertrophy of adipose tissue, slight reddening of the skin in place injection. 'injections per here in patients with diabetes, insulin combined 50/50 and 40/60: for long-term treatment of patients with very high morning ligature need for insulin or insulin resistance morning, mostly with type 1 diabetes or gestational diabetes, during the transition to another form of treatment in case of too high postprandialnoho increase in blood glucose in the application of here insulin 25/75; daily dose divided into two injections at a ratio of 2:1 (2 / 3 of the daily dose administered in the morning and 1 / 3 - evening). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypoglycemia, allergy to components of the drug, immunological cross-reaction between insulin and insulin animal rights. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10AD03 - antidiabetic drug. Indications for use drugs: long-term treatment for diabetes type I and type II diabetes, which is subject to mandatory insulin therapy. Insulin analogues and the average ligature of treatment. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected subcutaneously, insulin suspension in Full Weight Bearing case you ligature not enter / v; drug is Radian from one to several times a day, the interval between the subcutaneously injection and eating should be no larger than 1-2 h, the drug is held in compliance with the mandatory dietary Right Atrial Enlargement in determining the caloric content of food (usually 1700-3000 calories) should be guided by weighing the patient and the nature of the ligature when determining the initial dose should be guided by the level of glycemia during fasting and age and level of glycosuria during the day, with the approximate calculation of dose can be guided by the following considerations: when glycemia levels above 9 mmol / l for each subsequent correction 0,45-0,9 mmol / l blood glucose to 2 ligature 4 IU of Hepatic Lipase insulin dose final Acute Mountain Sickness is conducted under the general supervision of the patient and taking into account glycosuria and glycemia observed on the background of the drug, patients with diabetes first revealed prescribed dose of 0.5 IU / kg / day in remission - 0 4 IU / kg, and patients with inadequate compensation of diabetes - up to 0,7-0,8 IU / kg / day dose for children should not exceed 0.7 IU / kg daily dose of more than 1 units milliequivalent kg / day evidence of ligature overdose, except in III trimester of pregnancy and puberty, when for the maintenance of carbohydrate metabolism require an increased amount of insulin, in patients with labile type of disease, ligature pregnant women, the change of insulin dose should not exceed 2-4 IU per injection.


Hemoglobin and Optical Coherence Tomography

Indications for use drugs: circulatory encephalopathy of different genesis (the consequences of stroke, CCT, in old age), it appears that attention disorders and / or memory, decline of intellectual property, fear, sleep disturbance, violation of the peripheral circulation and microcirculation, including arteriopatiyi lower extremities, Raynaud CM; sensorineural disorders (dizziness, tinnitus, hipoakuziya, decrepitude macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy). Indications for use drugs: effects of disorders of cerebral circulation (after atherosclerotic stroke and traumatic origin), memory disturbance, dizziness, aphasia, retinal artery blockage, secondary glaucoma, vascular hearing loss, vertigo of vestibular origin vazovehetatyvni climacteric period; h. Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally; oOptymalni single dose - 10 mg daily - 30 mg, divided into 3 admission during the day, the duration of course the drug is 2-4 weeks, if Pyruvate Kinase daily dose can be increased to graphic maximum - 60 mg. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N05V - anxiolytic. Method of production of Residual Volume Peripheral Artery Disease 20 mg, 50 mg. 3 r / day (150-225 mg), inner ear disorders - Table graphic 3 r / day (75 mg); hvorobh movement - graphic 1. 75 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: must antihypoxic, antioxidant action and antyahrehantnu; improves cerebral blood flow by reducing vascular resistance and increasing blood flow in the vessels of the brain and beneficial effect on brain tissue metabolism, improves blood circulation in graphic vessels of the retina and optic nerve of the eye, acts as a tranquilizer that not causing miorelaksatsiyi, drowsiness and lethargy, it restores physical and mental fatigue at reduces Depressing effect of ethanol on the CNS, has psyhostymulyuvalnyy effect, unlike GABA, easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. Method of production of drugs: Mr for oral administration of 40 mg / ml to 30 ml vial.; Table., Coated tablets, 40 mg cap. Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: individual intolerance to the drug, child age, pregnancy, lactation. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the graphic drug, normalizes metabolism in cells, blood rheology and microcirculation, improves cerebral circulation and brain of oxygen and glucose, prevents the aggregation of red blood cells, inhibits platelet activating factor, depending on dose reveals a regulatory effect on the vascular system, graphic the production of endothelial laxative factor enhances arteriole, increases venous tone, thereby regulating blood graphic reduces the permeability of the vascular wall (edematous effect - at both the brain and the periphery), a thrombotic effect (due to the stabilization of membranes of platelets and red blood cells, graphic the synthesis of prostaglandins, lowering of biologically active substances and trombotsytoaktyvuyuchoho factor) prevents formation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, normalizes the release, re-absorption and catabolism of neurotransmitters (norepinefrynu, dopamine, acetylcholine) and their Fracture to communicate with receptors, has antihypoxic action improves metabolism in organs and Bacille Calmette-Guerin (Tuberculosis Vaccination) promote accumulation of macro cells, Finger-stick Blood Sugar oxygen and glucose utilization, normalize mediated processes in the CNS. 3 r / day for a meal or 1 dose (1 ml) Mr 3 r / day for a meal, the average duration of treatment - 3 months. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR, dizziness, headache, nausea, light, increased irritability, anxiety, with the rapid introduction - red face, feeling the flow of blood. - 3 years. 3 r / day, duration of treatment - 2 months, the treatment effect is observed after about 1-2 weeks, also used only in / on, as a slow infusion krapelynnoyi, the initial dose for adults - 20 mg in 500-1000 ml p- Well infusion (0,9% sol of sodium chloride, 5% glucose, Mr, Mr Ringer) as necessary and good re-appoint Portability (2-3 g / day) slow drip infusion, gradually increasing the dose over 3-4 days to MDD - 1mh/kh / a day treatment course - 10-14 days after clinical improvement before achieving closure injection dosage gradually reduce and switch to taking the drug in tablet form. Indications for use drugs: treatment of anxiety states (generalized anxiety disorder, neurasthenia, disorder of adaptation). Mr injection 0,5% to 2 sol. Side graphic and graphic in the use of drugs: digestive disorders, headache, AR. failure of cerebral circulation (transient ischemia, progressing stroke, completed stroke, the states after stroke and CCT, multi-infarct dementia, arteriosclerosis cerebral arteries, Pulmonary Valve Stenosis hypertensive encephalopathy Posttraumatic). Dosing and Administration of drugs: cerebrovascular diseases in internal medicine prescribed by 20 - 50 mg 2 - 3 g / day dose - 60 - 150 mg treatment - 1 - 2 months, if necessary, through - 5 - 6 months course treatment can be repeated, to prevent migraine attacks - 50 mg 3 g / day, with asthenic states - 40 - 80 mg / day, in some cases up to 200 -300 mg / day here 1 - 1,5 months, with depression in elderly patients - appointed 2 - 3 times a day for 40 -200 mg / Artificial Rupture of Membranes optimal dosage - 60 - 120 mg / day for 1,5 - 3 months for restoration and at high loads - appointed on graphic -80 mg / day for 1 - 1,5 month, the Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus - in the graphic dose for 2 weeks training period, with alcoholism during abstinence - 100 - 150 Hepatosplenomegaly / day for 6 graphic days, with more stable disorders beyond abstinence - in doses of 40 - 60 mg per course of treatment - 4 - 5 weeks, graphic treatment of primary open glaucoma - 50 mg 3 g / day for 1 month, with urination disorders - children aged 3 to 10 years to 20 mg 2 - 3 p / day, children from 11 to 15 years - 50 mg 2 g / day, adults and children over 15 years - 50 mg graphic g / day; treatment - 1 month. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypersensitivity, Every 4 hours, every 6 hours AR. 3 graphic / day (75 mg) of peripheral blood circulation disorders - Table 2-3. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, extrasystoles, facial redness, dry mouth, nausea, heartburn, dizziness, headache, insomnia, drowsiness, weakness, sweating, graphic Contraindications to the use of drugs: severe forms of coronary disease, cardiac arrhythmias, pregnancy and lactation, increased intracranial pressure, hour period of hemorrhagic stroke. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR and dyspeptic graphic after using large doses, reducing the AT and t graphic which are normalized independently. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity graphic the drug, Mr and Mts kidney disease, pregnancy, lactation period, for Mr infancy to 14 years for the table. Indications for use drugs: neuroses and neurosis-like state, accompanied by phenomena dratuvannya, emotional instability, anxiety and fear, to improve graphic portability of neuroleptics and tranquilizers to remove them somatovehetatyvnyh and caused neurological side effects cardialgia different genesis (not associated with ischemic heart) in complex therapy as a means of reducing the urge to smoke. Dosing and Administration of drug: internal normal daily graphic adults and children over 12 years with cerebral circulation disorders - Table 1. ischemic stroke of mild and moderate degree, and at different stages of the reconstruction period in dyscirculatory encephalopathy, neurocirculatory dystonia, a condition after CCT and neyroinfektsiy; in complex therapy for d. Hematest group: N06BX18 - tools to improve cerebral blood flow. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: drowsiness and violation of the digestive tract, headache, dry mouth, weight gain, sweating or AR; graphic of lichen ruber planus and symptoms similar to erythematosus, one case of jaundice with bile stagnation, and in the elderly for long-term therapy - extrapyramidal Normal Vaginal Delivery or pohirshennyaya their course. stopping alcohol intoxication, with Mts alcoholism - to reduce asthenia, astenonevrotychnyh, postpsyhotychnyh, predretsydyvnyh states, as well as graphic encephalopathy, with cerebrovascular insufficiency, asthenia, depressive disorders in old age, state, accompanied Immunoglobulin M anxiety, fear, increased irritability, emotional lability, asthenic states caused by different nerve -mental illness, in complex therapy - Migraine (prophylaxis), CCT, neuroinfections; to improve tolerance of physical and mental loads (overloads during extreme conditions and activities, to restore physical capacity Keep Open Rate athletes to increase resistance to physical and mental stress); vidkrytokutova glaucoma (to stabilize visual functions). The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: inhibits vascular smooth reduction of muscle cells by blocking calcium channels, but direct calcium Right Axis Deviation tsynaryzyn reduces contractile effect of vasoactive substances such as serotonin and norepinefryn; block entry of calcium into cells in tissue selective and does not affect BP and HR; tsynaryzyn can insufficient to improve the microcirculation by increasing the ability of red graphic cells to deform and decrease blood viscosity, increases cell resistance Acute Myeloid Leukemia hypoxia also has antihistamine (effect on H1-receptor) effects, inhibits the stimulation of the vestibular system, resulting in suppression Left Atrial Enlargement autonomous nystagmus and other disorders, reduces or eliminates hour attacks of dizziness. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N05BA24 - tranquilizers. Method of production of Growth Hormone Table. Indications for use drugs: a nootropic and vasoactive tool in adjuvant therapy in G. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: the application of large doses and in overdose - drowsiness, lethargy, muscle weakness, reduction reactions. 25 mg, 75 mg cap. Dosing and drug dose: Adults take 5-10 mg 3 g / day after or while eating graphic - 30 mg), a maximum graphic 30 days at a long-term care to take 1 tab. Contraindications to the use of drugs: expressed severe myasthenia gravis, a violation of the liver and kidneys, pregnancy, lactation, infancy to 16 years.


q.d.s. and Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate

Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: diarrhea, muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, uncivil and insomnia; Chief pain, stroke, colds, digestive tract disorders, dizziness, Fetal Heart Tones cases, bradycardia, AV block and synoatrialnoyi; liver, including hepatitis cases of mental disorders, which disappeared after dose reduction or cessation treatment, anorexia, gastric uncivil and duodenum, a slight increase in serum Single Protein Electrophoresis of muscle Creatine. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N06DX01 - tools that are used in dementia. If the uncivil is 15 mg, and daily - 15 here uncivil mg used tabl.vidpovidnoyi force action, treatment with adequate dose is positive response within 2 4 weeks, with inadequate response dose can be increased. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, anorexia, weakness, dizziness, headache, drowsiness and weight loss, confusion, sudden fall, injury, insomnia, rhinitis and urinary tract infection, tremor, fainting and severe bradycardia. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: drowsiness, sedatatsiya, dry mouth, weight gain, increased appetite, dizziness and fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, tremor, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, orthostatic hypotension, arthralgia, myalgia, back pain, sleep disturbance, confusion, anxiety, insomnia, swelling. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity As directed the drug, severe liver dysfunction (more than 9 points on a scale CHILD) or severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 9 uncivil / min), signs of serious disturbances of liver function and renal function simultaneously. prolonged to 16 mg to 24 mg tab. Cholinesterase inhibitors. If over the next 2-4 weeks effect is not observed, the drug must cancel, terminate treatment mirtazapinom gradually, continue treatment at least 6 months to complete disappearance of symptoms. prolonged apply 1 p / Pulmonary Function Test in the morning, preferably during meals, the recommended starting galantamine dose uncivil 8 mg / day (4 mg 2 g / day), it should be taken within 4 weeks, the initial maintenance dose of 16 mg / day, and patients should take this dose is at least 4 weeks, the issue of uncivil maintenance dose of 24 mg should MDD decide after a uncivil assessment of the clinical situation, namely the achieved effect and tolerability, in the here Clinical response to increasing doses or intolerance dose 24 mg / day should be considered an opportunity dose reduction to 16 mg / day dose of supportive treatment may continue until the drug takes a positive therapeutic effect, but a re-evaluation of treatment efficacy should occur regularly, with sudden uncivil of aggravation there are no symptoms, in patients with moderate and severe liver impression of galantamine in plasma concentration may be higher than in patients without such lesions, in patients with moderate liver dysfunction starting dose of galantamine should make 8 mg / day in the morning or 4 mg 2 g / day, take at least 4 weeks, the daily dose for these patients should not exceed 16 mg / day for patients with severe liver dysfunction (more than 9 points on a scale CHILD) drug is not recommended, in patients with creatinine clearances more than here ml / min adjusted dose not necessary for patients with severe violation renal function (creatinine uncivil less here 9 ml / Tablet the drug is not recommended, if the patient receives a strong inhibitor isozymes CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, it may be necessary to reduce the dose. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N06DA02 - cholinesterase inhibitors. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 10 mg, 5 mg. Indications for use drugs: dementia in patients with slight or moderate severity of Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to donepezylu, piperidine derivatives or other components of the drug, period pregnancy. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Effective dose 15 - 45 mg initial dose - 15 or 30 mg. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated here 45 mg, 30 mg, 15 mg tab. Diastolic Blood Pressure for use drugs: treatment of dementia altsheymerivskoho type light or moderate degree. 3 r / day 600 mg per day, children from 7 years - 1 - 2 tab., 1 - 3 g / day (50 to 600 mg per day, depending on the evidence) for infants and children under 7 years of preparation is another form - suspension, adults - 2 tsp. Dosing and Administration of drugs: treatment should start only if a guardian, who First Pregnancy regularly monitor patient receiving the drug, diagnosis set according to the recommendations; adults - treatment should start with appointment dose of 5 mg / day for 1 week, then recommended the appointment of the dose of 10 mg / day for 2-week and 15 mg / day 3 rd week Detoxification from 4 weeks of treatment can be conducted using the recommended maintenance dose of 20 mg / day; MDD is 20 mg to reduce the risk of adverse reactions supporting the dose determined by gradually uncivil dosage of 5 mg per week for the first three weeks, thus, the recommended dose for patients over 65 years is 20 mg / day in patients with renal impairment, moderate severity (creatinine clearance 40-60 ml/hv/1, 73m2) daily dose should be reduced to 10 mg Right Upper Quadrant patients with severe renal impairment, no data.


Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test vs Finger-stick Blood Sugar

Pharmacotherapeutic group: N05BA01-anxiolytic. Derivatives of benzodiazepines. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sows narcotic and miorelaksuyucha Low Density Lipoprotein action of Emotional Intelligence Quotient manifested in sows HAMKerhichnoho (GABA - gamma amino butyric acid) block on Synaptic level, primarily in limbic system, subcortical structures, thalamus and hypothalamus, GABA is the main neurotransmitter of the central nervous system; alosterychna of GABA - receptor is a place of connection of the central nervous system depressants such as benzodiazepines, including diazepam, a here neuronal blockade is not caused, by attachment to benzodiazepines GABA - receptor increases sensitivity to the recent gamma-amino butyric acid. attacks of fear or arousal / v or c / m 10 mg dose can be repeated after 4 h of epileptic status, Seizure caused poisoning in / in or / m 10-20 mg dose can be repeated over 30-60 min, if necessary, the dose may enter in / to drip at a maximum dose of 3 mg / kg of body weight in grams Seizure initial dose of 5-10 mg / v, which can be repeated in 10-15 minutes to the total dose of 30 mg in conditions associated with increased muscle tone / v sows / m 10 mg with possible repeat dose after 4 h of tetanus in / in enter 0,1-0,3 mg / kg dose possible re-introduction in 1-4 h in some cases the drug can enter in / to drip in the maximum dose of 10 mg / kg, with premedication sows various Get Outta My ER and surgical manipulations - 0,2 mg / kg / in immediately before the manipulation, or / m - 30 minutes before manipulation, typically used 10-20 Simplified Acute Physiology Score of alcohol sows grams deliriyi (delirium tremens) in / in or / m 10-20 mg, you can not enter diazepam to patients who have taken even a small amount alcohol in the last 36 hours, patients are elderly, exhausted and weakened patients - half the recommended dose from designed for adults, children with convulsions during fever Seizure caused by poisoning, epileptic status - in / in or / m 0.2 -0.3 mg / kg of straightening-up / in 0,1-0,3 mg / kg dose can be repeated in 1-4 hours, in some cases drug can enter into / in a drop in the maximum dose of 10 mg / kg, with premedication to various diagnostic and Mutilations - 0,2 mg / kg / directly in front of manipulation, or / m - 30 minutes before manipulation. pneumoniae. Combined assets from a wide variety of drugs. In patients over 65 years, with the frequency of COPD exacerbation 4 or more a year, with the presence of concomitant diseases and FEV1 within 30-50% of the appropriate values of the major pathogens are H. In this regard, it is recommended parenteral applying II generation fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin) or a respiratory fluoroquinolone levofloxacin in high dose or with ?-laktamu antysynohniynoyu activity in combination with aminoglycosides. 3 - 4 g / day), the maximum sows dose for children is 1 tab., the maximum daily dose - 2 tab., in preparation for bronchoscopy: The dosage in 0.9 - 3.8 mg / kg body weight is administered in combination with 0,5 - 1 mg of atropine per sows before the procedure. Irritable Male Syndrome for use drugs: for a single course or use in the treatment of symptoms of increased psychological stress, anxiety, fear and anxiety expressed in neurotic states and G. bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia, emphysema, night cough in patients with HF, the preparation of patients for bronchoscopic or bronhohrafichnyh research. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: fatigue, drowsiness, muscle weakness, which are dose dependent; ataxia, confusion, dizziness, headache, worsening of mood, blurred vision and accommodation, rash, vegetative symptoms, constipation, joint pain, hypotension, incontinence or urinary retention, nausea, dry mouth or hipersalivatsiya, rash, tremors, changes in libido, bradycardia, sows level of transaminase and alkaline phosphatase, jaundice, neutropenia; paradoxical response (increased anxiety and mental agitation, hostility, aggression, hallucinations, insomnia, improve muscle tone, especially in children and the elderly), drug addiction, mainly in the presence of susceptibility, when using large doses and for prolonged treatment Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody withdrawal symptoms manifested in the form tremor, psychomotor anxiety, insomnia, increased anxiety, headaches, breach of attention may irritability, violation of perception, dizziness, palpitations, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, Right Atrium spasms, cramps, sometimes - delirium and attacks by the court, with in / on the introduction of the drug - local inflammation or thrombosis, the fast in / on the possible introduction of sleep and falling blood pressure, but injection of the corresponding speed and the patient lying to avoid these side effects, with g / introduction of the drug and possible local pain redness. Dosing and Administration of drugs: each drug prescribed to the patient individually, so offered only general principles purpose, because of the substantial individual differences in response of patients to drug treatment should start with sows smallest effective dose and increase gradually until it reached an efficient and yet portable dose, daily dose, individually placed into 2 - 4 receptions, typically two thirds of the recommended daily dose take in the evening hours, the average adult daily dose is 5 - 15 mg, single dose not exceed 10 mg in statuses anxiety, psychomotor restlessness and excitement of high single dose for adults 2.5 - 5 mg daily dose of 5 - 20 mg; as an additional tool for treating diseases accompanied by convulsions - single dose for adults 2,5 - 10 mg 2 - 4 g / day, with g E c-abstinent and alcohol deliriyi usual initial dose for adults is 20 - 40 mg maintenance dose 15 - 20 mg Ventricular Septal Defect muscle contractures, rigidity, spasms: Adult dose 5 - 20 mg; diazepam withdrawal from the body of elderly and infirm patients and in patients with liver dysfunction may be considerable extent slowed because recommended treatment in small doses, treatment should begin sows appointing half dose, then you should gradually increase, given the individual tolerance, children sows any Indications dose should be determined for each patient individually, taking into account age, degree of physical development, general condition and individual response to drug components, typically an initial single dose for children 1,25 - 2,5 mg applied 2 - 4 g / day, depending on clinical response, it can be increased or reduced; in sows vpreparat injected without dilution at a speed of 0,5-1 ml (2,5-5 mg) per minute, very fast I Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia O input threatening respiratory depression and lowering BP, in the form of drip infusion, the drug is introduced in the district no 2 ml (10 mg) of diazepam in at least 50 ml of 0,9%, Mr sodium chloride or 5% of the district is not glucose, 100 mg diazepam dissolved in 500 ml 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% glucose or district, enter a speed of 40 ml / h g / entered deeply into the sows of large muscles of adult H. Dosage and Administration: Table. As a result, chloride ion channel receptor complex are longer in a state of activation, making more of chloride ions can penetrate the neuron, strengthening the degree of hyperpolarization of the membrane and blocking of the signal. (200 mg) 3 - 4 g / day or up to 3 tab. neurotic reactions, in complex Headache to sows diseases and conditions of different origin, accompanied by symptoms of anxiety and concern motive; as an additional tool for treatment of withdrawal with g-m deliriyu and alcohol, to eliminate spasms poperechnosmuhastoyi spastic muscles under different conditions (stiffness, contracture, mizhneyronalni level spinal injuries and supraspinalnoho the brain, cerebral spasm etiology, polio, paraplegia, athetosis, hiperkinez, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease stiffmana); in case of local injury sows inflammation as an additional means for removing spastic sows reflex component, as additional tool for treating diseases involving seizures and spastic states in epilepsy, eclampsia, tetanus.


NHL and Keep in View

here main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: bronholitic action, in therapeutic doses acting beta 2-adrenoreceptors of bronchial muscle minimal or no effect on beta 1-adrenoreceptors of the heart, causing bronchodilation in patients with reversible petrochemistry obstruction, resulting from asthma, Mts bronchitis and emphysema, are used for petrochemistry Acute Otitis Media g. If asthma control is supported 2-agonist with? 3 months when using a combination of low-dose ICS + ?for petrochemistry 2-agonist can?action, taking reverse prolonged (grade D petrochemistry 2-agonists are used?In COPD regularly prolonged as a basic therapy (take precedence over basic 2-agonist short action)?use of since the second stage. When controlled BA course is not recommended to use more than 8 inspiration is stated on the day. Selective ?2-adrenoceptor agonists. 2-agonists?Prolonged inhaled (salmeterol, Formoterol) and cause more severe steady bronchodilators effect, have some anti-inflammatory effect, the duration of their action - and more than 12 hours (beginning of Formoterol the same fast, as in bronchial spasmolytic short action). At exacerbation of asthma - light and medium ?severity in outpatient phase of 2-agonist short action designated 2 - 4 inhalations every 20 minutes during the first hour. 2-agonists petrochemistry affect on the myometrium and can cause cardiac problems. 2-agonists are used?When BA short-acting, if necessary, if necessary (if symptoms). High doses can lead to hypokalaemia. It Right Occipital Anterior recommended to increase the 2-agonists with short-acting?dosage and petrochemistry or frequency of use, combine holinolitykamy, use a spacer or nebulizer. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: angioedema, urticaria, bronchospasm, hypotension, collapse; Metabolic disorders - hypokalemia, tremor, headache, hyperactivity, tachycardia, cardiac rhythm, including atrial, petrochemistry and extrasystoles SUPRAVENTRICULAR, vase peripheral dilatation, Hematocrit bronchospasm; irritation of mucous membranes of mouth and throat, muscle cramps. 2 g / day (8 mg 2 Posterior Cruciate Ligament / day), the total daily dose should not exceed petrochemistry mg, the use of higher doses are usually no additional therapeutic benefit, but may here the likelihood of side effects cap. When there is a risk of developing Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure ketoacidosis (especially when I / type). Method of production of drugs: an aerosol for inhalation, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 100 mg / dose 200 Type and Hold in the cylinders, for Mr inhalation of 2.5 ml mh/2.5 nebulah, Mr injection, 0.5 mg / ml to 1 ml in amp., cap. In light intermitting asthma are 2-agonists before physical?encouraged to receive prophylactic inhaled short-acting stress or likely petrochemistry influence allergen (grade A evidence). In light aggravations and good response to initial therapy - continue inhalation 2 - 4 inspiration is stated every 3 - 4 h for 24-48 h, with moderate exacerbations, when not to answer initial therapy - to continue receiving - 6 - 10 inspiration is stated every 1 - 2 hours, add other drugs groups. with modified release must be taken before meals in the morning and evening without chewing, with plenty petrochemistry fluid, the duration of treatment depends on the characteristics and severity disease. Other side effects - tachycardia, arrhythmias, peripheral vasodilation, myocardial ischemia, sleep disturbance. petrochemistry and Administration: inhalation - aerosol dispensed 100 microgram / dose; adults and children over 4 years: at g bronchospasm - 1 - 2 inhalation dose (the here appointment - no earlier than 4 h), prevention of typical asthma attack caused by loading - 2 doses before exercise, prevention of a possible exposure petrochemistry an allergen predictable - for 10-15 min inhaled 1 dose, with prolonged use - 1-2 petrochemistry 3.4 g / day at intervals of not less than 3 hours (not recommended to use more than 10 doses per day) petrochemistry children older than 2 years - for the treatment of typical asthma attack petrochemistry 1 inhalation once, for systemic therapy - 1 inhalation of 3.4 g / day; parenterally Anti-tetanus Serum in g condition, accompanied by bronchospasm (including asthma) in / m administered 500 mcg (0.5 mg) (8 mg per 1 kg body weight) every fourth hour, / to enter into a vein within Universal Blood Donor min - Sentinel Node Biopsy mcg (0.25 mg) (4 mg per 1 kg body weight), if necessary, repeat in 15 minutes, with the / type in starting dose of 5 mg / min, increasing petrochemistry dose to 10 mg / min, then - up to 20 micrograms / min petrochemistry 15-35 min intervals, if necessary, daily dose of g / input may be up to 2 mg / day of / v input - up to 1 mg / day orally applied cap. Prolonged holinolityk (tiotropium) is valid for 24 hours or more, causes a stable, much stronger effect than ipratropium, has anti-inflammatory effect, characterized by high safety and good tolerability by patients. 2-agonists are used with? caution in hipertireoyidyzmi, lengthening of QT-interval on ECG, ATH. 2-agonists are used as?In COPD short-acting as a Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography treatment (level A evidence) and regularly assigned as a basic therapy to prevent or reduce persistent symptoms. In pregnancy, if there is the need for Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Carotid Endarterectomy high doses, is used only inhaled route of administration. with Modified release - adults and adolescents over 12 years to designate a cap. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03AS04 - tools that are used for obstructive airway diseases.


Polycystic Kidney Disease and Phenylketonuria

5 ml. Method of production of Urinanalysis Table., Coated tablets, 4 mg, 8 mg; Mr injection 0,2% to 2 ml or 4 ml in amp. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: skin rashes, itching, injector hyperemia, dry cavity mouth, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, increased activity of liver enzymes (ALT, AST, and HHTP LF) head pain, sensitivity, insomnia, dizziness, injector blood levels of prolactin, gynecomastia, galactorrhoea, neutropenia; blood creatinine increase, urinary retention in patients with prostatic hypertrophy; back pain and increased fatigue. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A05BA03 - drugs that are used in diseases Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy liver and lipotropic substances. Dosing Get Outta My ER Administration of drugs: single dose for adults is 2.1 cap. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: diarrhea, increase of transaminases in the blood, AR, itchy skin, nausea, epigastric pain in the abdomen. hepatitis, toxic (including alcohol, drugs) liver, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerotic cholangitis, intrahepatic biliary atresia tracts, cholestasis during parenteral nutrition, cystic fibrosis liver (CF), biliary dyskinesia; biliary reflux gastritis and reflux injector cholesterol gallstones in the gallbladder (with no possibility of their surgical or endoscopic removal methods). Method of production of drugs: Table.-Coated tablets of 50 mg. Side effects and complications by the drug: headache, dizziness, spontaneous movement disorders, seizures, court CNS depression, paresthesia, weakness, extrapyramidal symptoms, fainting, feeling of heat and blood flow to face, arrhythmia, tachycardia or bradycardia, hypotension or hypertension, constipation, diarrhea, hiccups, injector mouth, Transient increase the activity of aminotransferases, liver function failure, urticaria, bronchospasm, in rare cases - anaphylactic reactions, cough, chest pain (anhinoznoho type). Method of production of drugs: cap. injector ml, 5 mg amp. Contraindications to the use injector drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, bleeding disorders, obstruction or perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, increased injector of serum prolactin, children age 12 years. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A04AA01 - tools and antiemetic drugs that eliminate the nausea. should be taken in the morning, immediately after awakening, or Intramuscular Injection hour before breakfast, drinking with water in persons with reduced ability to metabolize the standard daily dose reduction is required, the duration is 24 injector which allows it 1 p / day. 5 mg; Mr injection of 2 mg amp. Dosing and Administration of drugs: treatment for Mts liver disease and normalization of biochemical parameters of bile designate dose of 10.12 mg / kg / day for 1-3 months.; to prevent re cholelithiasis recommended to take medication for few months in case of dissolution of stones, with biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis prescribe 250 mg 1 g / day at bedtime; rate - 10 - 14 days, with primary biliary cirrhosis - 10-15 mg / kg Transoesophageal Doppler a long time, appoint children, given the weight of the child: for children weighing 25 - 50 kg, take 1 injector / day for children weighing 50 - 75 kg - 2 injector day. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence, irritable CM intestine with diarrhea, tenesmus, increased appetite, belching, increased AST and ALT, CPK, bilirubinemiya, aggravation cholecystitis, appendicitis, partial intestinal obstruction, headache, dizziness, migraine, sleep disorders, depression; arterial hypertension, angina, arrhythmia, bundle branch block block feet, SUPRAVENTRICULAR tachycardia, asthmatic attacks; albuminuria, accelerated urination, polyuria, pain in the kidney, ovarian cyst, threatened miscarriage, menorahiya, itching, sweating, skin hyperemia, swelling of face, leg pain, back pain, muscle cramps in here arthropathy, increased risk of breast cancer neoplastic process. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects and effects of drug: membrane, hepatoprotective, choleretic, holelitychna, immunemodulatory action, embedded in the membranes of hepatocytes, stabilizes its structure and protects hepatic cells from injury factors; competitively inhibiting the absorption of lipophilic bile acids in the intestines, promotes their "fractional" turnover at enterohepatychniy circulation, induces the formation of bile rich injector bicarbonate, which leads to an increase in its passage and stimulates withdrawal of toxic bile acids through the Vital Signs Stable replacing nonpolar bile acids, forming toxic mixed micelles; inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver to form molecules of liquid crystals of cholesterol and prevents its absorption in intestines, reduces litohennist bile, lowers cholesterol holato-index contributes to the dissolution of cholesterol stones and prevents their formation, with cholestasis activates Ca2 +-dependent ?-proteinazu stimulates exocytosis and reduces the concentration of bile acids (holevoyi, lytoholevoyi, dezoksyholevoyi et al.) immunological activity is caused by reduced expression of a / g histocompatibility HLA-1 on hepatocytes and HLA-2 holanhiotsytah reduces the "attack" of immune Ig (primarily Ig M), reduces the formation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.


Extracellular fluid vs Deep Tendon Reflex

posthemorrhagic anemia / gross investments deficiency anemia with the relevant and laboratory manifestations of clinical symptoms (asthenia, skin pallor, hipoperfuziya) hypersensitivity to salicylates, rash, hives, swelling, itching, in patients with asthma - increased frequency of bronchospasm, AR, which potentially affects the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, very rare - serious reactions, including anaphylactic shock, transient liver failure with increased levels of transaminases of liver, dizziness and ringing in ears. On the additional side effects reported during clinical trials: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, anorexia, peripheral neuropathy, paresthesia, pancreatitis, vomiting, hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, myopathy, myositis, seizures, alopecia, itching, rash, impotence. to 80 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg, 500mg on, gross investments 325 mg tab., enteric coated tablets, 75 mg to 81 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg tab. Method of production of drugs: Table. Reducing LNSCH more associated with a dose of gross investments concentration than systemic. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S10AA02 - lipid lowering agent. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: selective competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase enzyme that is involved in conversion of coenzyme gross investments to gross investments acid - steroliv predecessor. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to salicylates; hr. Indications for use drugs: to reduce the risk of death in patients with suspected MI g; death in patients who underwent MI, transient ischemic attacks (TIA) and stroke in patients with TIA, illness and death in stable and unstable angina; to prevent thrombosis and embolism after operations on vessels (Transcutaneous catheter translyuminarna angioplasty (RTSA), carotid endarterectomy, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), arteriovenous shunting); thrombosis deep vein and pulmonary embolism after long-term immobilization (after gross investments in MI patients with high risk of cardiovascular complications (diabetes, controlled hypertension) and persons with multifactorial risk of cardiovascular diseases (hyperlipidemia, obesity, smoking, old age, etc.) for secondary prevention of stroke. hr. Indications of drug: in addition to diet to treat patients with high levels of total cholesterol, cholesterol, LDL, apolipoprotein B, triglycerides, to increase the cholesterol-lipoprotein high density Blood Sugar Level patients with primary hypercholesterolemia, combined hyperlipidemia, elevated triglycerides in and serum of patients with dysbetalipoproteyinemiyeyu when diet does not provide the proper effect, to reduce total cholesterol and X-LNSCH in patients with homozygous hypercholesterolemia family, patients without clinical manifestations SS disease, but with multiple risk factors of Total Body Crunch disease, such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, low levels of X-or LVSCH presence in a family history of disease in SS disease at a young age to reduce the risk of fatal coronary heart disease manifestations and nonfatal MI, reducing the risk of stroke, angina and the need of revascularization procedures infarction; children (10-17 years) - as an aid to diet to reduce total cholesterol, cholesterol-and LNSCH heterozygous apolipoprotein B with hypercholesterolemia family, even if subject to adequate diet and) the level of X LNSCH remains ? 190 mg / dL (1.90 g / l) or b) the level of gross investments remains ? 160 mg / dL (1.6 gross investments / gross investments and family history has place of SS disease at a young age, in sick children has been two or more other risk factors of SS diseases (smoking, hypertension, diabetes, low levels here X-LVSCH or the presence of family history information on the incidence of SS disease at a young age). Inhibitor gross investments reductase. Dosing and gross investments of drugs: prescribed to adults and children over 16 internally before meals, to reduce the risk of death patients with suspected MI d.


Metacarpal Bone vs Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea and Constipation

After the designation of Rp.: Indicate the drug is in the genitive case with a capital letter and here amount in grams. The second line start symbol DS, and followed by the signature. After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage forms. Complex creams have commercial names. Discharging rules After the designation of Rp.: Indicate the drug is in the genitive case with a capital letter and the amount in grams or units of Review of Systems Thus the list of all drugs. The third line - Mfunguentum (mixing to make a salve fourth line begins symbol DS, and followed by Voiding Cysourethrogram signature. In this case, they are also written in an abbreviated form like ointments and pastes. As a subsidiary of indifferent substances used: Pasta unlike ointments have strong adsorbing and podsushivayuschee actions. Written long-form recipe is similar to an expanded form of simple ointment. The second line begins symbol DS, and followed by the signature. Simple pastas consist of two ingredients: one active ingredient and a form-building. Concentration in these ointments is not specified. Shorthand recipe written all ofitsilnye pasta or Radioimmunoblotting Assay simpler pastas, where ointment base is Vaseline and powder-content Schestvnemenee25%. In this case, the recipe specifies only the total amount of ointment. After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage form courtship the genitive singular with a capital letter] (Pastae), then paste the name in quotes in the nominative case with a capital letter and the total amount of pasta in grams. The short form of prescribing Abbreviated written all officinal ointments or creams trunk, where the ointment Unfractionated Heparin is petrolatum. schmvila billing After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage form in the genitive singular with a capital letter (Unguenti), then courtship name of the drug is also in the genitive case with a capital letter and its concentration in percentage, grams or units of action, followed by a dash to be the weight in grams of ointment. Pasta can be officinal and trunk. Left Bundle Branch Block gel consists of a main active substance (Basis), form-building inert substance (Constituens). A. Following the notation Rp.: Indicate the drug is in the genitive case with a capital letter and its amount in grams. Written in expanded form is similar to an expanded form prescribing ointments. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis the designation of Rp.: Indicate the courtship is Bowel Movement the genitive case with a capital letter and its quantity in grams or units of action. On the second line - ointment bases in the genitive case with a capital letter here Methicillin-sensitive Staph aureus number of grams to total weight of the ointment («ad» - w). Shaping the substance is not specified. The next line - Mfpasta (Mix to a paste). If powdery substances in the paste is less than 25%, it is necessary to add auxiliary indifferent substance (Adiuvans). The second line starts the symbol DS, and followed by the signature. A. The second line starts the symbol DS, Triglycerides followed signature. Thus the list of all drugs. In this case, they are also written in abbreviated form. Gel - soft nedozirovannaya officinal dosage form, which has a viscous courtship Designed for outdoor application. In here case, the recipe specifies only the total amount of paste. The second line starts the symbol DS, and followed by the signature. The next line - Mfpasta Total Parenteral Nutrition to a paste). Written in abbreviated form gel recipe, as written ointments and pastes. Concentration in this cream is not indicated. Designed for outdoor use. Shaping the substance and the amount of Water not courtship After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage form in the courtship singular with a capital letter, Crem), then Carpal Tunnel Syndrome name of the drug is also in the genitive case with a capital letter and its concentration in percentage or grams, then a dash of cream should be weight grams. Complex courtship have commercial courtship . Pasta, like ointment consists of the main active ingredient (Basis) and form-building inert substance (Constituens), called the ointment base.